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European Network of Master Studies in Photography

European Network of Master Studies in Photography

“European Network of Master Studies in Photography (ENMaPh) was formed in September 2016 by a group of European Universities (Leiden University, Plymouth University, University of Westminster, London College of Communication, Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture, Ecole de Recherche Graphique, Falmouth University, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia) with postgraduate studies in Photography with the aim of sharing experiences and initiatives around the education of Photography.

Among many others, ENMaPh organises different projects and collaborations as promoting students and academics work, conferences on pedagogics of Photography in the 21st Century, exchange of teaching and learning experiences, exchanges of students and academics, collective exhibitions or international workshops.”

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Ongoing projects


neXos exhibition is a project by ENMap (European Network of Master Studies in Photography), in which different universities with postgraduate studies in photography participate; and has been organized by students of the Máster en Fotografía, Arte y Técnica at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV).

The exhibition, which will travel through different European cities, aims to promote new forms of documentary through the following emerging photographers: Louve Denis, École de Recherche Graphique in Brussels; Mikko Haiko and Heikki Humberg, Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture of Helsinki; Francisco Llop, UPV; Davide Meneghello, London College of Communication; Blerim Racaj, University of Westminster; Beccy Strong, Plymouth University. The exhibition also has different theoretical essays made by the following students of Leiden University: Giuliana Benedetto, Eliza Bryan, Anastassia Dalcolmo, Mélissa Delmée Malétras, Anna Kućma, Félice Kuijntjes, Dulce da Rocha Gonçalves, Mira Emil Samy Beshay, Rebecca Sanderson, Lauren Spencer and Sharon Zelnick.

nexos was hosted by Fundación La Posta, Valencia.